What is a scratch render?

scratch render (photo for scratch render page)-smallScratch render (otherwise known as monocouche or ‘Krend’) is a relatively new process, coming over to the UK from the continent around ten years ago. It is a coloured, cementitious render that can be used both inside and outside. Once the render is applied, the flat surface is scratched with a nail float, creating an attractive weathered stone look and giving the process its name.

Why Use It?

Coming in 30 colours, this through-coloured rendering method gives a crisp, clean finish. The colour will not fade – if it gets grubby simply take a pressure washer to it and it will be as good as new. The unique cement-ion formula allows moisture to escape through the render, fending off damp and allowing your building to breathe.

What is the MCQ Plaster Co. Method?

This is a more expensive method than a basic render, but our machine application means it is a lot quicker. Scratch renders only need one coat, rather than a couple.

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